5 Questions

People really do have the best intentions when they offer suggestions to a person living with depression but a lot of suggestions are not helpful and can actually be more hurtful. 

Start a conversation with these 5 Questions. They are non-judgemental questions that are safe to answer. If you really want to know how to love others with this illness, you have to ask and then listen to understand. Then your action will speak love to them.

If you are living with depression, be sure to ask yourself these questions as well. Have answers to these questions and use those answers to get help from your loved ones that might not understand what you’re going through.

  1. What does your depression feel like?

  2. What do others do that make it worse?

  3. What do others do that make it better?

  4. What do you do that makes it worse?

  5. What do you do that makes it better?